Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds (Argyreia nervosa)

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds (Argyreia nervosa)

Argyreia nervosa is a perennial climbing vine that is native to the Indian subcontinent and introduced to numerous areas worldwide, including Hawaii, Africa and the Caribbean. Though it can be invasive, it is often prized for its aesthetic value. Common names include Hawaiian Baby Woodrose,
Grouped product items
Product Name
10 Argyreia nervosa Seeds (Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds)
100 Argyreia nervosa Seeds (Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds)
500 Argyreia nervosa Seeds (Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds)
Availability: Out of stock
Argyreia nervosa
Argyreia nervosa is a perennial climbing vine that is native to the Indian subcontinent and introduced to numerous areas worldwide, including Hawaii, Africa and the Caribbean. Though it can be invasive, it is often prized for its aesthetic value. Common names include Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, A. nervosa is a rare example of a plant whose putative hallucinogenic properties were not recognized until recent times. While several of its cousins in the Convolvulaceae family, such as the Rivea corymbosa (Ololiuhqui) and Ipomoea tricolor (Tlitliltzin), were used in shamanic rituals of Latin America for centuries, A. nervosa was not traditionally used for this purpose. Its properties were first brought to attention in the 1960s, despite the fact that the chemical composition of its seeds is nearly identical to those of the two species mentioned above, and the seeds contain the highest concentration of psychoactive compounds in the entire family.
More Information
Label Argyreia nervosa
Common name Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
Family Convolvulaceae
Genus Argyreia
Species Argyreia nervosa
Germination Coming soon.
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