Torrey Pine Seeds (Pinus torreyana)

Torrey Pine Seeds (Pinus torreyana)

The rarest pine species in the United States
Grouped product items
Product Name
5 Torrey Pine Seeds (Pinus torreyana)
30 Torrey Pine Seeds (Pinus torreyana)
Availability: Out of stock
Pinus torreyana
The Torrey pine, Pinus torreyana, is the rarest pine species in the United States, an endangered species growing only in San Diego County and on one of the Channel Islands, endemic to the coastal sage and chaparral ecoregion in the U.S. state of California.
More Information
Label Pinus torreyana
Common name Torrey pine
Family Pinaceae
Genus Pinus
Species Pinus torreyana
Germination Coming soon.
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