Acacia Nilotica Seeds (Acacia Arabica, Gum Arabica Tree)

Acacia Nilotica Seeds (Acacia Arabica, Gum Arabica Tree)

Used to eliminate stomach worms, as an antiseptic for open wounds and as an expectorant for treating coughs.
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15+ Acacia Nilotica Seeds (Acacia Arabica, Gum Arabica Tree)
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100 Acacia Nilotica Seeds (Acacia Arabica, Gum Arabica Tree)
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500 Acacia Nilotica Seeds (Acacia Arabica, Gum Arabica Tree)
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Acacia Arabica
Acacia Nilotica, also known as Acacia Arabica, gum arabic tree, Babul can be found in tropical and subtropical Africa and Asia. Acacia Nilotica is a tree of 5?20 m high. Babul tree is a drought tolerant tree but will tolerate only light frost. The crown is low and can be flattened or a rounded umbrella-shape. It is also know for its medicinal uses. Hardiness zone: 8 to 10
More Information
Common name Gum Arabica Tree
Family Fabaceae
Genus Acacia
Species Acacia nilotica
Therapeutic uses Acacia Nilotica has been used in traditional Indian medicine for treatment of diabetes mellitus. The cold water extract of Acacia arabica was found to reduce blood glucose level to its normal level with in seven days. It is used for stomach upset and pain, the bark is chewed to protect against scurvy, an infusion is taken for dysentery and diarrhoea. In Nigeria it is one of the standard drugs for treating diarrhoea. It has also been used to eliminate stomach worms, as an antiseptic for open wounds and as an expectorant for treating coughs.
Germination Seeds germinate within 7 to 15 days. The seedlings need full exposure to sunlight and a free-draining soil.
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