Adenium Multiflorum, a beautiful Impala Lily originally found in Mozambique and surrounding countries. It is a shrub or small tree growing no taller than 3 meters high in the wild.
The trunk has multiple stems. Each desert rose creates its own sculptural design. The plant grows upright. The shiny long green leaves are attractive. The leaves are broader than other adeniums and have rough edges. The leaves fall in autumn, independently of the growing conditions. They will not grow back for at least four months. This dormancy lasts longer in cool or dry conditions.
Adenium Multiflorum produces exotic 2 «" white, open-trumpet shaped flowers with red edges and sharp leaves. The flowers appear only during winter when it is leafless and last for 2 to 4 months. The Desert Rose produces a massive stem when growing older. It makes a nice Bonsai.
Do pruning after the plant's rest period. Only cut the ends of branches. New shoots can be pruned regularly. The sap is poisonous, so clean hands after pruning.
Hardiness zones 9 -11, (4øC/40øF,-5øC/25øF) in winter. It is best when grown in a frost-free area. It requires warmth and a well-drained soil. Extended periods below 40øF (4øC) might kill some of the branch tips. Ideally, growing temperature should be around 30øC. However, in winter, keep it cooler.
Adenium multiflorum grows mostly in sandy soil and rocky habitats. In summer, if possible, move outdoors to a sunny or partly shaded location. It needs a lot of light and fresh air. Keep in a bright location in winter. The extended root system helps it survive long periods of time without water. Don?t water the plant when it goes dormant. When new buds appear, the plant has come out of its dormant state.