Rebutia Seeds Mix

Rebutia Seeds Mix

The flowers, sometimes larger than the plant, are produced around the lower part of the stems, and are often prolific.
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Rebutia mix
This genus contains around 60 small cacti, and is a member of the family Cactaceae. Native to the mountains of Bolivia and neighboring parts of Argentina. The Rebutia are small ball or barrel-shaped flowering cacti, with small spines, with tubercles arranged in spirals. Forming clusters, the slender stems of Rebutia species have a dense covering of spines, and can be ribbed or warty in appearance. The flowers, sometimes larger than the plant, are produced around the lower part of the stems, and are often prolific. The funnel shaped flowers, which come in shades of red to yellow and white, are produced in spring and summer. The vibrant blooms open in daylight and close when the sun goes down. The flowers will last four or five days. Rebutia are among the best indoor bloomers. Hardiness zones: 9-11, (-5øC/25øF, 4øC/40øF) in winter. Rebutia need bright light, with gritty, very free-draining, slightly acidic cactus soil. They also require an excellent drainage, good air circulation and cool to cold night temperatures. They prefer to be drenched and let dry. Ideal for pot culture, production of both stems and flowers will be encouraged if the plants are repotted regularly, particularly when they?re young.