Cheiridopsis Seeds Mix

Cheiridopsis Seeds Mix

The shapes and sizes of the Cacti can vary from a single spherical plant to the size of a full-grown tree.
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The genus Cheridopsis has hundreds of species. They are all found in America and Africa and grow in tropical or subtropical climates. These are great plants for dish gardens or used as a ground cover. The shapes and sizes of the Cacti can vary from a single spherical plant to the size of a full-grown tree. The leaves are long and slender, to triangular in shape. Every Cactus grows colourful flowers pollinated by insects. The flowers come from time to time in late spring or summer, and they open on sunny days only. They are mildly fragrant and quite showy. Cacti go dormant during the hot dry summer. The leaf skin dries out and protects the layer underneath until it falls. Hardiness zones 9-11, (-5øC/25øF, 4øC/40øF) in winter. They won't take any frost. During dormancy, water is restricted to a minimum. In autumn, watering must be abundant and the cactus will greatly swell. A cactus can survive 2 months without water, depending only on its inner reserve. Cactus need full sun to partial shade, with a well-drained soil mix. Use a soil mix consisting of equal parts of loam and sand with small gravel added to insure good drainage. Water well the plant and then allow drying thoroughly before watering again. Fertilize them twice during the growing season (in autumn and winter) with a balanced fertilizer diluted to « the strength recommended on the label.
More Information
Common name Cheiridopsis Mix
Species Cheiridopsis ssp.
Germination Sow seed in pots or trays of moist cacti soil mix with compost. Place in a propagator or warm place, and keep at a constant temperature of 18§C (68-77§F). After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged; germination is fast and will usually take less than 30 days. It can take longer, don't give up.
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