Drosera Dilatato-Petiolaris Seeds

Drosera Dilatato-Petiolaris Seeds

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10 Drosera Dilatato-Petiolaris Seeds
100 Drosera Dilatato-Petiolaris Seeds
Availability: Out of stock
Drosera dilatato-petiolaris
Drosera dilatato-petiolaris is a carnivorous plant being found in both Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Its leaves are arranged in a rosette and commonly produces plantlets, eventually forming large clumps that can be over 1 ft (0.3 m) across. Green petioles emerging from the center of the rosette are typically 3?5 mm wide, but can vary. Red carnivorous leaves at the end of the petioles are small and round, with most resting on the soil surface. Inflorescences are 18 cm (7 in) long with white flowers being produced from April to May.
More Information
Common name Drosera dilatato-petiolaris
Species Drosera dilatato-petiolaris
Germination Coming soon.
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