Ibicella lutea, also named Yellowflower Devil's claw, Elephant tusks, Goat head, Unicorn plant, is an annual carnivorous plant most people can grow like normal garden plants. These plants are nasty. The popular name Devil's Claw understates the features of Ibicella lutea. It is native and cultivated for food in several countries of South America, from Brazil to Argentina. Ibicella plants get big. If you live in an area that has hot Summers, expect the plants to be at least a meter across.
Ibicella developes fleshy stems bearing large, soft, greyish-green, somewhat hairy, heart-shaped leaves. The leaves and stems are covered with a resinous slime that you can't easily wash off. It bears in Spring and Summer good sized golden yellow flaring trumpets, up to 7-10 flowers. The Ibicella flower has some bright orange spotted colouring on a golden-yellow background.
The flowers are followed by an abundance of small fruit; indeed the plant is grown for these in its homeland. The plants like a long growing season. If your season is too short, they will not produce mature fruit. Ibicella lutea is also known for its outrageous seed pods.
Ibicella lutea, is classed as quasi-carnivorous. The smell probably attracts insects such as the small flies, gnats, and beetles that accumulate on the leaves. The plant doesn't produce digestive enzymes but it does benefit from the rotting insects. The slime could easily be a predator defense.
Hardiness zone 11, (4øC/40øF) in Winter. Grow the plants like you would any long growing season plant in your area. The main requirement is full sun and hot weather. The full sun and very warm location are especially important if you live in a location with a short growing season. Regular tap water is fine. Devil?s Claw prefers to dry out between watering.
Ibicella should be planted in a garden or a very large pot. The larger the pot, the larger your plant will be. It is easy to grow in well-drained soil with a little compost added for best show. No special soil is required. Fertilizers are not required, but probably would encourage vigorous growth.