Lilium Regale Seeds (Lily Regale Seeds)

Lilium Regale Seeds (Lily Regale Seeds)

Beautiful and one of the most easily grown and fast growing Lily.
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10 Lilium Regale Seeds (Lily Regale Seeds)
100 Lilium Regale Seeds (Lily Regale Seeds)
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Lilium Regale
Lilium regale is a perennial plant that originates from Western China. This Lily can grow up to 1.50 meter and forms a bulb. It is best used in the ornamental garden. Beautiful and one of the most easily grown and fast growing Lily. It flowers in mid-Summer and can always be relied on to put up a stunning show. The clusters of large white outfacing fragrant trumpets, backed in lavender are simply marvelous. The trumpet-shaped, horizontal flowers grow in clusters of 2-20, right above a crown of leaves and are 12-15 cm long. Pure white petals are shaded with yellow throats, blushed with pink and purple on the outside. The flowers are hermaphrodite, they have both male and female organs. It developes greyish-green stem with red spots and dark green deciduous leaves. It has a very large number of leaves. Lily bulbs never go fully dormant, so they must be treated carefully. Hardiness zones 4-8, (-32øC/-25øF, -10øC/-15øF) in Winter. Soil must be well-drained, with added compost or peat moss. They grow well in most soils except those which are very alkaline. It requires moist soil. Grow in full sun with some shade in late afternoon. Too much shade can make Lilies stretching for the sun.
More Information
Common name Lily Regale
Species Lilium regale
Germination This Lilium has immediate epigeal germination, they are easy warm germinators. Plant seeds about 1/4 inch deep and keep moist. A plastic sandwich bag placed loosely over each pot will keep moisture in and cut down maintenance for a few weeks. Place in warm temperature, 70-75øF, germination will start at about 3-12 weeks. Lily seeds are not difficult to germinate indoors and to grow under lights. The most important requirement for the planting mix is drainage while retaining moisture. Use a combination of sand, soil, vermiculite, perlite and whatever organic matter is at hand to produce a light, airy mix which retains moisture but allows good drainage.
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