NymphaeaEldorado is a tropical aquatic flowering plant of the family Nymphaea. It is truly an outstanding plant for any pond or pool. Commonly referred to as "Water Lilies" these plants have adapted to living in a total water environment. This one bears beautiful yellow flowers with attractive speckled foliage.
The height of this plant depends on the depth of the water but it grows in water from 30-150 centimeters deep. This tropical beauty can spread from 3? to 5'.
The leaves of these plants are individually supported on leaf stalks called petioles. The leaves can be up to thirty centimeters in diameter. They are green with purple blotches on top, purple blotched undersides or completely purple and they are heavily mottled, making this a very attractive lily. Leaves of this lily often disintegrate around the pad centers.
The large, elegant deep lemon yellow flowers rise well above the water at the tip of a sturdy green stalk and appear in profusion, almost constantly, from spring until the end of summer. This plant blooms repeatedly. The star shaped flowers are bisexual, with 4 yellow sepals, green on the outside and yellow on the inside, and many yellow petals and small yellow stamens. The flowers open in early to mid-morning and close completely in late afternoon and stay closed all night. A fully open flower can measure up to 8" - 10" across and each flower lasts for about four days. The flowers are sweetly fragrant.
A few days after the Water Lily flower is pollinated, the flower stem tightens in a spiraling spring to bring the flower head underwater. The fruit develops underwater into a spongy berry with many seeds that are enclosed in arils. When ripe, many seeds are released from each fruit. Young seeds float as they contain air pockets. They are then dispersed by water currents or by water birds that eat them. As they become waterlogged, they sink into the mud to germinate. The plant also spreads by sprouting from the creeping rhizomes.
Hardiness Zones :
8-11 (-10c/15f, 4c/40f). Nymphaea Eldorado does better in medium to large ponds, but this plant will adapt to any size pool. Treat this plant as an annual north of Zone 8-11. The pond water depth can be around 3-6 feet deep. Water Lily blossoms vary greatly in color and size. They enjoy neutral to alkaline water. Planting should be done in water no cooler than 75 degrees F. If the water is too cool the plant will enter a dormant state. Nymphaea Eldorado is not very winter hardy. This plant loves full sun but can grow in partial shade. It needs very high moisture. The water lily grows best in rich soil with 1/2 inch of rinsed gravel on top of the soil. The pot should be completely submerged in calm freshwater