Exotic Seeds, Exotic Flowers, Exotic Plants

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  1. Wild Tobacco Seeds (Nicotiana rustica)

    Starting at US$1.90

  2. Candle Bush Seeds (Senna Alata)

    Starting at US$2.20

    It is native to South America, but has been planted widely for medicinal and ornamental flowering purposes...
  3. Pandanus Furcatus Seeds (Korr, Pandan, Himalayan/Nepal Screw Pine)
      Out of Stock
      Pandanus Furcatus Seeds (Korr, Pandan, Himalayan/Nepal Screw Pine)

      Starting at US$3.90

      Fruit is a compound cone-like fruit made of several drupes, orange-red when ripe.
    • Gloriosa Lily Seeds (Gloriosa Superba)
        Out of Stock
        Gloriosa Lily Seeds (Gloriosa Superba)

        Starting at US$1.90

        Gloriosa superba is a species of flowering plant in the family Colchicaceae. English language common names include flame lily, climbing lily, creeping lily, glory lily, gloriosa lily, tiger claw, and fire lily.
      • Vigna Caracalla Seeds (Snail Flower Seeds, Corkscrew Vine Seeds, Mail Vine Seeds)
          Out of Stock
          Vigna Caracalla Seeds (Snail Flower Seeds, Corkscrew Vine Seeds, Mail Vine Seeds)

          Starting at US$12.00

          This twining vine is an ideal plant to grow if you want to cover a vast fence. While it is a bit slow in its first year, it takes off vigorously after that and will quickly hide any eyesore.
        • Tritoma Uvaria Seeds (Kniphofia Aloides Seeds, Red Hot Poker Seeds)

          Starting at US$1.80

          It is in leaf all year. Leaves in basal rosette, linear, grasslike, to 40 cm long, 2 cm broad, partially folded, appearing entire but with minute, sharp teeth along the margins.
        • Tigridia Pavonia White Seeds (Tiger Flower Seeds)
            Out of Stock
            Tigridia Pavonia White Seeds (Tiger Flower Seeds)

            Starting at US$1.75

            It is a Summer grower, dormant in Winter. Well suited to growing in containers.
          • Physalis Franchetii Alkekengi Gigantea Seeds (Chinese Lantern Seeds)

            Starting at US$1.90

            Excellent fresh cut and they can also be easily dried and will make choice Winter arrangements. It can spread quickly, plant where it can be controlled.
          • Hedychium Stenopetalum Seeds (White Stars Ginger Seeds)

            Starting at US$2.90

            For best results, provide a rich, moist, well-drained soil, and with protection from cold winds. It prefers partial shade or partial sun
          • Hedychium Gracile Seeds (Salmon Gingerlily Seeds)
              Out of Stock
              Hedychium Gracile Seeds (Salmon Gingerlily Seeds)

              Starting at US$2.70

              They are sweetly scented, the scent being most pronounced towards evening.
            • Hedychium Gardnerianum Seeds (Kahili Ginger Seeds)

              Starting at US$3.60

              Enchants with fragrant, yellow blooms and lush green foliage, adding tropical allure to gardens and containers.

            • Hedychium Coccineum Seeds (Scarlet Ginger Lily Seeds)

              Starting at US$3.50

              Flowers are slightly fragrant. Develops bright orange-red flower spikes.
            • Gossypium Hirsutum Seeds (Upland Cotton Seeds)

              Starting at US$2.20

              Cotton blooms in the Summer when grown outside, but when grown in the greenhouse plants can bloom at any time of the year.
            • Gossypium Herbaceum Seeds (Cotton Plant Seeds, Levant Cotton)

              Starting at US$2.90

              The flowers are pretty and round. They are bright yellow. The fruit of the Cotton Tree is a brownish capsule that opens at maturity and exposes the seeds that are covered with a white fibre, the cotton.
            • Gloriosa Rothschildiana Seeds (Glory Lily Seeds)

              Starting at US$1.90

               Vibrant, flame-like flowers. Perfect for climbing trellises or container gardens!

            • Gloriosa Lutea Seeds (Yellow Glory Lily Seeds)
                Out of Stock
                Gloriosa Lutea Seeds (Yellow Glory Lily Seeds)

                Starting at US$1.80

                Gloriosa lutea is a splendid climbing vine that produces 12 or more Lily-like flashy lemon yellow flowers of exceptional beauty.
              • Etlingera Venusta Seeds (Malay Rose Torch Ginger Seeds)
                  Out of Stock
                  Etlingera Venusta Seeds (Malay Rose Torch Ginger Seeds)

                  Starting at US$2.80

                  Sometimes called, the world's most beautiful Ginger. A very rare new variety from Malaysia.
                • Etlingera Elatior Red Seeds (Red Torch Ginger Seeds)

                  Starting at US$1.90

                  Best grown in full sun and needs plenty of warmth and well drained conditions.
                • Etlingera Elatior Pink Seeds (Pink Torch Ginger Seeds)

                  Starting at US$1.90

                  One of the world's most splendid flowers. Excellent for the greenhouse but needs high humidity and artificial light.
                • Echium Wildpretii Seeds (Tower of Jewels Seeds)

                  Starting at US$1.90

                  As for most Echium it is favored by bee-keepers for its high nectar and pollen content.
                • Dendrocalamus Strictus Seeds (Male Bamboo Seeds)

                  Starting at US$2.40

                  Bamboos are cultivated for fast growing erosion control, privacy screens, and wind breaks, and the bamboo can be trimmed to the desired height.
                • Cuphea Miniata Seeds Mix
                    Out of Stock
                    Cuphea Miniata Seeds Mix

                    Starting at US$1.50

                    This plant is a real gem for winter flowers, and whoever would keep a greenhouse or conservatory gay through all the dead season would do well to grow a few plants of this particular species, rare in cultivation.
                  • Costus Speciosus Seeds (Crepe Ginger)

                    Starting at US$1.90

                    Costus speciosa is best used for dramatic effect in a tropical landscape.
                  • Costus Guanaiensis Seeds (Spiral Ginger Seeds)

                    Starting at US$2.90

                    Tropical plant with spiraling stems and vibrant red flowers, perfect for humid gardens or large spaces.

                  • Cobaea Scandens Purple Seeds (Cup and Saucer Vine Seeds)

                    Starting at US$2.90

                    Beautiful climber with truly bell-like deep velvet-blue flowers. The unusual buds open creamy green then change to rosy-violet and finally mature to a deep purple, from late Summer to early-mid Fall.
                  • Canna Indica Seeds (Indian Shot Seeds)

                    Starting at US$2.90

                    This plant can survive long periods of dryness, but a more regular watering will make the foliage more stunning.
                  • Canarina Canariensis Seeds (Canary Bellflower Seeds)

                    Starting at US$3.30

                    This is a beautiful vine with bluish green attractive arrow-shaped, glaucous leaves, and bearing superbly beautiful, large, bell-shaped flowers, approximately 7cm/3 in long and 5cm/2 in wide.
                  • Caesalpinia Pulcherrima Seeds (Peacock Flower, Barbados Pride, Dwarf Poinciana Seeds)

                    Starting at US$1.90

                    The blooming season is from May to August. Incredible orange-red flowers with very long red stamens grow in large grapes.
                  • Bambusa Arundinacea Seeds (Spiny Bamboo, Thorny Bamboo)

                    Starting at US$1.90

                    Considered aphrodisiac, cooling, and tonic, is used in asthma, cough and debilitating diseases
                  • Aristolochia Ringens Seeds (Gaping Dutchman's Pipe)

                    Starting at US$1.90

                    Tropical vine with striking, pipe-shaped flowers, perfect for adding exotic flair to trellises and fences.

                  • Aristolochia Fimbriata Seeds (White Veined Hardy Dutchman's Pipe Seeds)
                      Out of Stock
                      Aristolochia Fimbriata Seeds (White Veined Hardy Dutchman's Pipe Seeds)

                      Starting at US$1.90

                      It always attracts the attention by the strange flowers that are produced amongst the white-veined leaves.
                    • Aristolochia Elegans Seeds (Elegant Dutchman's Pipe)

                      Starting at US$1.80

                      Offers exotic purple-veined blooms and lush foliage, perfect for adding tropical intrigue to fences and trellises in warm climates.

                    • Arisaema Triphyllum Seeds (Jack-in-the-Pulpit Seeds, Indian Turnip Seeds)

                      Starting at US$3.60

                      The flowers appear through the Spring and into the Summer. They are irregular in shape and are up to 8 cm long.
                    • Arisaema Tortuosum Seeds (Whipcord Cobra Lily)

                      Starting at US$1.90

                      Exotic perennial with snake-like blooms and tall, twisting spadix, perfect for adding drama to shaded gardens.

                    • Arisaema Amurense Seeds (Jack-in-the-Pulpit Seeds)

                      Starting at US$2.90

                      his Arisaema blooms from mid-Spring to early-Summer. Typically the flowers are green striped with white, or brownish green or even dull purplish green, again with white stripes.
                    • Amorphophallus Bulbifer Seeds (Voodoolily Seeds, Pink Devil's Tongue)
                        Out of Stock
                        Amorphophallus Bulbifer Seeds (Voodoolily Seeds, Pink Devil's Tongue)

                        Starting at US$2.90

                        This plant produces a single inflorescence followed by a solitary leaf. In spring a mature tuber will first produce the unusual pink and white flower with green lines.
                      • Alpinia Malaccensis Seeds (Ginger Seeds)

                        Starting at US$2.20

                        It will become a very beautiful, elegant plant. Those are very rare seeds.
                      • Abutilon Megapotamicum Seeds (Chinese Lantern, Flowering Maple Seeds)
                          Out of Stock
                          Abutilon Megapotamicum Seeds (Chinese Lantern, Flowering Maple Seeds)

                          Starting at US$2.50

                          The abutilon megapotanicum bears magnificent flowers. As its common name says, these flowers look like lanterns.
                        • Tigridia Pavonia Seeds (Tiger Flower Seeds)
                            Out of Stock
                            Tigridia Pavonia Seeds (Tiger Flower Seeds)

                            Starting at US$1.75

                            Well suited to growing in containers. Tiger Flower prefers a sunny site and fertile, well-drained, light soil.
                          • Sauromatum Venosum Seeds (Typhonium Venosum Seeds, Voodoo Lily Seeds)
                              Out of Stock
                              Sauromatum Venosum Seeds (Typhonium Venosum Seeds, Voodoo Lily Seeds)

                              Starting at US$2.40

                              Very unusual, shade loving plant. Likes full light without direct sun.
                            • Holmskioldia Sanguinea Seeds (Chinese Hat Plant)
                                Out of Stock
                                Holmskioldia Sanguinea Seeds (Chinese Hat Plant)

                                Starting at US$2.70

                                This fantastic plant will attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
                              • Hedychium Spicatum Seeds (Ginger Seeds)

                                Starting at US$2.90

                                One of the easiest plant to grow. Grown in gardens, it needs fertilizers in order to see it at its best.
                              • Hedychium Ellipticum Seeds (Rock Butterfly Lily Seeds)

                                Starting at US$2.90

                                 Featuring fragrant white flowers and lush foliage. Perfect for tropical or shaded gardens!

                              • Hedychium Coronarium Seeds (White Ginger Lily)

                                Starting at US$3.20

                                Prefers a warm, frost-free climate although its rhizome can survive temperatures as low as -10øC .
                              • Echium Fastuosum Seeds (Echium Candicans, Pride of Madeira Seeds)

                                Starting at US$1.80

                                The striking blooms make it attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds.
                              • Dicentra Spectabilis White Seeds (Bleading Heart Seeds, Lyre Flower Seeds)
                                  Out of Stock
                                  Dicentra Spectabilis White Seeds (Bleading Heart Seeds, Lyre Flower Seeds)

                                  Starting at US$1.75

                                  Adapts easily to different types of climates and is easy to cultivate.
                                • Dicentra Spectabilis Pink Seeds (Bleading Heart Seeds, Lyre Flower Seeds)

                                  Starting at US$6.90

                                  Blooming happens around the month of April or May and can last from 15 to 30 days.
                                • Bamboo Moso Seeds (Phyllostachys Edulis)

                                  Starting at US$1.90

                                  Largest and most handsome bamboo. Key factor for moso bamboo growth is rainfall.
                                • Arisaema Speciosum Seeds (Big Leaf Jack, Himalayan Giant)
                                    Out of Stock
                                    Arisaema Speciosum Seeds (Big Leaf Jack, Himalayan Giant)

                                    Starting at US$2.90

                                    Very hardy, easy to grow and early to emerge. Striking dark purple color with white-pinkish stripes flowers.