Greigia Sphacelata Seeds (Bromeliad Seeds)

Greigia Sphacelata Seeds (Bromeliad Seeds)

The dense heads of pink flowers are born at the base of the leaves and are followed by sweet, edible pulpy fruits.
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5 Greigia Sphacelata Seeds (Bromeliad Seeds)
30 Greigia Sphacelata Seeds (Bromeliad Seeds)
Availability: In stock
Greigia Sphacelata
Greigia sphacelata is a perennial Bromeliad, member of the Bromeliaceae that can reach 90 cm tall. This is one of the most splendid plant from the Andes of Chile where it is often found on the edge of forests forming complete thickets. The dense heads of pink flowers are born at the base of the leaves and are followed by sweet, edible pulpy fruits. The flowers are hermaphrodite they have male and female organs. It produces a fine and noble rosette of Pineapple-like foliage consisting of very long and very narrow, arching leaves fringed with interesting hard spines. Hardiness zone 10, (1§C/35§F) in Winter. This plant generally cannot be successfully grown in areas where the soil quality is lacking in sufficient nutrients. It prefers a semi shade to full sun position in a moist soil.
More Information
Common name Greigia
Species Greigia sphacelata
Germination Sow the seeds in a mix of one part peat moss and one part perlite. Place a clear plastic bag over the pot. Provide warmth, good lighting and moist soil. You can also use the bottom heat technic. Seeds should germinate fast, in a couple of days, it can take longer, don't give up.
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