Ipomoea Tricolor - Heavenly Blue Seeds (Morning Glory Seeds, Grannyvine Seeds)

Ipomoea Tricolor - Heavenly Blue Seeds (Morning Glory Seeds, Grannyvine Seeds)

Its colorful flowers open in the morning, fade to pink before closing and last just one day, but appear in a continuous stream throughout the summer.
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Product Name Qty
100 Ipomoea Tricolor - Heavenly Blue Seeds (Morning Glory Seeds, Grannyvine Seeds)
500 Ipomoea Tricolor - Heavenly Blue Seeds (Morning Glory Seeds, Grannyvine Seeds)
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2,000 Ipomoea Tricolor - Heavenly Blue Seeds (Morning Glory Seeds, Grannyvine Seeds)
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Availability: In stock
Ipomoea Tricolor Heavenly Blue
Ipomoea tricolor is native to Southern Mexico, Guatemala, South America and the Caribbean. It is a fast-growing twining annual with heart-shaped leaves and trumpet-shaped, sky-blue flowers. The plant reaches up to 8-10 ft. (2.4-3 m) in height and flowers from June to September. Its colorful flowers open in the morning, fade to pink before closing and last just one day, but appear in a continuous stream throughout the summer. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) Ipomoea tricolor prefers full sun, moderately fertile, well-drained soil. It is frost tender. Hardiness Zone: 3-8
More Information
Common name Morning Glory, Grannyvine
Family Convolvulaceae
Genus Ipomoea
Species Ipomoea tricolor
Germination Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours before sowing or scarify the seed, and sow in individual pots in a greenhouse in early spring.

Space or thin to 30-45cm (12-18") between plants. Keep them at around 20øC and water when necessary. The seed usually germinates in 1 - 3 weeks .

Thin out carefully when large enough to handle taking care not to damage the roots and harden off before planting out after all frosts.
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