Musa Zebrina Seeds (Blood Banana Seeds, Red Banana Tree Seeds)

Musa Zebrina Seeds (Blood Banana Seeds, Red Banana Tree Seeds)

The orange yellow to red flowers can appear at anytime of the year as long as the plant is mature enough. Occasionally, it even produces small edible fruit with a reddish tint.
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5 Musa Zebrina Seeds (Blood Banana Seeds)
30 Musa Zebrina Seeds (Blood Banana Seeds)
200 Musa Zebrina Seeds (Blood Banana Seeds)
Availability: Out of stock
Musa Zebrina
Musa zebrina, or Blood Banana, or , Red Banana Tree is a tender evergreen perennial native to Indonesia. It can grow to 10 feet or more in height. In containers, plants only reach about 4 feet in height. It is known by its colorful leaves. The leaves are dark green with red splotches on the topside and wine red on the underside with a brownish midrib. The orange yellow to red flowers can appear at anytime of the year as long as the plant is mature enough. Occasionally, it even produces small edible fruit with a reddish tint. Hardiness zones 8-10, (1øC/35øF, -10øC/15øF) in Winter. Musa zebrina need full sun to partial shade with a moist well-drained soil mix. Use a soil mix consisting of 2 parts peat moss to 2 parts loam to 1 part sand or perlite. The plants should be kept moist but not overly wet. During the Winter months, water is somewhat restricted, but the plants are never allowed to dry thoroughly. Fertilize weekly.
More Information
Common name Blood Banana
Species Musa zebrina
Germination Smoke Seed Primer is ideal for treating seeds of Musa. You can purchase those in the category Smoke Seed Primer.

Many wildflower seeds are dormant and need very specific conditions for germination. The Smoke Seed Primer solution contains a combination of natural substances that overcome dormancy and stimulate seed germination.

Or, you can soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours before sowing.

Sow seeds 3/4 inch deep, in pots or trays of moist seed compost. Place in a warm place, and keep at a constant temperature of between (20øC/68øF, 25øC/77øF). After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged. Germination can take months, don't give up.
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