Tropical Plants

Buy Tropical House Plants seeds online. Discover our selection of the best Tropical House Plants seeds of the market.
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  1. Aechmea Recurvata Seeds (Aechmea Seeds)
      Out of Stock
      Aechmea Recurvata Seeds (Aechmea Seeds)

      Starting at US$1.90

      The inflorescence protrudes above the foliage and is quite spectacular. It can measure 20 cm high and bears different tints of red.
    • Calceolaria Arachnoidea Seeds (Capachito Seeds)
        Out of Stock
        Calceolaria Arachnoidea Seeds (Capachito Seeds)

        Starting at US$1.60

        The Calceolaria will bear beautiful purple flowers for about 7 weeks, from the middle of spring to the end of summer.
      • Calceolaria Canna Seeds (Capachito Flower Seeds)
          Out of Stock
          Calceolaria Canna Seeds (Capachito Flower Seeds)

          Starting at US$1.25

          It is an annual plant, which means that it dies after summer. The flowers are inodorant and come in grapes at the top of the stems.
        • Calceolaria Corymbosa Floccosa Seeds (Calceolaria Seeds)
            Out of Stock
            Calceolaria Corymbosa Floccosa Seeds (Calceolaria Seeds)

            Starting at US$1.25

            This plant will grow to a height of 60 cm. It makes an excellent interior plant and flourishes for a long time.
          • Calceolaria Integrifolia Seeds (Slipperwort Seeds, Pocketbook Plant Seeds)
              Out of Stock
              Calceolaria Integrifolia Seeds (Slipperwort Seeds, Pocketbook Plant Seeds)

              Starting at US$1.25

              Will bear beautiful bright yellow flowers for about 7 weeks, from the middle of spring to the end of summer.
            • Calceolaria Paralia Seeds (Slipperwort Flower Seeds)
                Out of Stock
                Calceolaria Paralia Seeds (Slipperwort Flower Seeds)

                Starting at US$1.40

                This plant is absolutely fantastic! This is a unique, slipper-like yellow flower, on compact mounded plant.
              • Calceolaria Purpurea Seeds (Pocketbook Flower Seeds)
                  Out of Stock
                  Calceolaria Purpurea Seeds (Pocketbook Flower Seeds)

                  Starting at US$1.40

                  The Calceolaria Purpurea plant is covered with fuzz, and is absolutely stunning with its puffy flowers.
                • Calliandra Calothyrsus Seeds (Red Calliandra Seeds)
                    Out of Stock
                    Calliandra Calothyrsus Seeds (Red Calliandra Seeds)

                    Starting at US$1.40

                    Multipurpose tree for humid location
                  • Cautleya Spicata Seeds (Himalayan Ginger)

                    Starting at US$2.90

                    Native to the Himalayan Region. The plant is a hardy medium-height ginger that can grow up to 70-80 cm...
                  • Chamaedorea Elegans Seeds (Parlor Palm)
                      Out of Stock
                      Chamaedorea Elegans Seeds (Parlor Palm)

                      Starting at US$1.80

                      Makes an excellent pot plant and interior plant.
                    • Codariocalyx Motorius Seeds (Telegraph Plant Seeds, Semaphore Plant Seeds, Desmodium Motorius Seeds, Desmodium Gyrans Seeds)
                        Out of Stock
                        Codariocalyx Motorius Seeds (Telegraph Plant Seeds, Semaphore Plant Seeds, Desmodium Motorius Seeds, Desmodium Gyrans Seeds)

                        Starting at US$3.50

                        It is a small and delicate plant, also recognized as a curiosity plant for its ability to move its leaves; something only a very few plants can do.
                      • Cyperus Alternifolius Seeds (Umbrella Papyrus, Umbrella Sedge, Umbrella Palm)
                          Out of Stock
                          Cyperus Alternifolius Seeds (Umbrella Papyrus, Umbrella Sedge, Umbrella Palm)

                          Starting at US$1.90

                          Perfect as a houseplant. Impossible to overwater, this plant loves boggy conditions!
                        • Dioscorea Elephantipes Seeds (Hottentot Bread, Turtle Shell, Caudex Seeds)

                          Starting at US$3.30

                          The caudex of dioscorea elephantipes is similar to the shell of a turtle, thus its name. As it ages, it tends to curve in. Can be cultivated as a bonsai.
                        • Erythrina Smithiana Seeds (Coral Tree Seeds)
                            Out of Stock
                            Erythrina Smithiana Seeds (Coral Tree Seeds)

                            Starting at US$6.50

                            Produces beautiful red flowers. Popular in tropical climate.
                          • Ficus Elastica Seeds (Rubber Fig Seeds)

                            Starting at US$1.90

                            Doesn't grow that tall in pot. If it grows too high, cut it off, this will ease the ramification.

                          • Greigia Sphacelata Seeds (Bromeliad Seeds)

                            Starting at US$4.90

                            The dense heads of pink flowers are born at the base of the leaves and are followed by sweet, edible pulpy fruits.
                          • Guzmania Teuscheri Seeds

                            Starting at US$1.60

                            The ornamental plant is best suited to warm temperate, relatively high humidity and tropical areas...
                          • Jatropha Curcas Seeds (Barbados Nut seeds)

                            Starting at US$1.80

                            Can be used as a rich organic fertilizer. Prefers temperatures averaging 20-28 degrees Celsius (68-85 degrees Farenheit)
                          • Mimosa Pudica Seeds (Sensitive Plant Seeds)

                            Starting at US$1.80

                            Sensitive plant that folds up its leaves when being touched.
                          • Mimosa Quadrivalvis Nuttallii Seeds (Mimosa Nuttallii Seeds, Cat's Claw)
                              Out of Stock
                              Mimosa Quadrivalvis Nuttallii Seeds (Mimosa Nuttallii Seeds, Cat's Claw)

                              Starting at US$1.25

                              This perennial plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds.
                            • Mimosa Rupertiana Seeds (Eastern Sensitive Plant Seeds)
                                Out of Stock
                                Mimosa Rupertiana Seeds (Eastern Sensitive Plant Seeds)

                                Starting at US$1.75

                                This ornamental plant can also be grown indoors in pots or outdoors as an annual in the cooler zones.
                              • Mitraria Coccinea Seeds ( Chilean Mitre Flower seeds)
                                  Out of Stock
                                  Mitraria Coccinea Seeds ( Chilean Mitre Flower seeds)

                                  Starting at US$1.60

                                  Prefers humid areas and protection from direct sunlight.
                                • Monstera Deliciosa Seeds (Ceriman Seeds, Split-leaf Philodendron Seeds)
                                    Out of Stock
                                    Monstera Deliciosa Seeds (Ceriman Seeds, Split-leaf Philodendron Seeds)

                                    Starting at US$1.90

                                    Flowering is rare when the plant is grown indoors. Growth ceases below 10 øC.
                                  • Philodendron Bipinnatifidum Seeds (Lacy Tree Philodendron, Selloum)

                                    Starting at US$2.30

                                    This plant may help in filtering the air of your home!
                                  • Saintpaulia Seeds (African Violet  Seeds)
                                      Out of Stock
                                      Saintpaulia Seeds (African Violet Seeds)

                                      Starting at US$2.90

                                      Essential thing for blooms is bright, indirect light.
                                    • Sandersonia Aurantiaca Seeds (Chinese Lantern Lily Seeds)
                                        Out of Stock
                                        Sandersonia Aurantiaca Seeds (Chinese Lantern Lily Seeds)

                                        Starting at US$3.80

                                        Sandersonia is a delicate, slightly climbing plant with pendulous lanterns in the most alluring, rich orange.
                                      • Sapindus Detergens Seeds ( Soapnut Tree Seeds)
                                          Out of Stock
                                          Sapindus Detergens Seeds ( Soapnut Tree Seeds)

                                          Starting at US$13.00

                                          Multipurpose tree (cosmetics, detergent etc.) to be grown in a warm environment or inside large tubs
                                        • Solanum Mammosum Seeds (Nipple Fruit Seeds, Cows Under Seeds, Titty Fruit Seeds, Apple of Sodom Seeds)

                                          Starting at US$1.90

                                          Related to the naranjilla and tomato. Water regurlarly but do not overwater.
                                        • Strelitzia Reginae Seeds (Bird of Paradise Seeds)

                                          Starting at US$3.90

                                          This beautiful and adaptable beauty is perfect for home and commercial interiors. Grows up to 3 feet tall.
                                        • Tacca Chantrieri Seeds (Black Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)
                                            Out of Stock
                                            Tacca Chantrieri Seeds (Black Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)

                                            Starting at US$3.80

                                            Somber enough to be out of place even at a funeral, these strange and sinister flowers are quite unlike any other and are going to excite curiosity in all that see it.
                                          • Tacca Integrifolia Nivea Seeds (White Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)

                                            Starting at US$2.90

                                            Looks like white bats. Don't water too much during winter time.
                                          • Tacca Integrifolia Seeds (Purple Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)
                                              Out of Stock
                                              Tacca Integrifolia Seeds (Purple Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)

                                              Starting at US$2.80

                                              This plant is a fast grower. It can reach up to 4ft in height.
                                            • Tillandsia Compacta Seeds

                                              Starting at US$3.90

                                            • Tillandsia Complanata Seeds

                                              Starting at US$4.30

                                              Striking flat leaves and vibrant flowers make this low-maintenance air plant perfect for terrariums and indoor displays.

                                            • Tillandsia Fasciculata Seeds (Giant Airplant)

                                              Starting at US$2.20

                                               Vibrant air plant with a unique rosette form and colorful blooms, perfect for low-maintenance indoor displays.

                                            • Tillandsia Fendleri Seeds

                                              Starting at US$2.90

                                              Graceful air plant with silvery leaves and vibrant purple flowers, perfect for terrariums and low-maintenance indoor gardens.

                                            • Tillandsia Ionantha Seeds (Bromeliad Seeds, Shy Plant Seeds)

                                              Starting at US$2.90

                                              Requires minimal care. Perfect for beginners or busy people.
                                            • Tillandsia Kalmbacheri Seeds (Bromeliad Seeds)
                                                Out of Stock
                                                Tillandsia Kalmbacheri Seeds (Bromeliad Seeds)

                                                Starting at US$1.75

                                                The corolla is bright blue and often the segments bear a pair of basal, sometimes nectariferous scales. The fruit is a berry.
                                              • Tillandsia Polita Seeds (Epiphytic Plants Seeds)
                                                  Out of Stock
                                                  Tillandsia Polita Seeds (Epiphytic Plants Seeds)

                                                  Starting at US$1.90

                                                  The plant comes from Honduras, where it occurs in the far north. This plant is a really nice specie, rarely seen.
                                                • Tillandsia Polystachia Seeds (Epiphytic Bromeliaceae Seeds)
                                                    Out of Stock
                                                    Tillandsia Polystachia Seeds (Epiphytic Bromeliaceae Seeds)

                                                    Starting at US$1.75

                                                    Growing up to 25 cm high, and needing a humid environment, it is suitable for humid terrarium.
                                                  • Tillandsia Rotundata Seeds (Epiphytic Bromeliad Seeds)
                                                      Out of Stock
                                                      Tillandsia Rotundata Seeds (Epiphytic Bromeliad Seeds)

                                                      Starting at US$2.40

                                                      The culture of the tillandsia in a vegetative state is rather easy if the humidity of the atmosphere is high.
                                                    • Zantedeschia Aethiopica Seeds (Calla Lily, Arum Lily)

                                                      Starting at US$1.90

                                                      Offers stunning white blooms and bold green foliage, thriving in moist soil and perfect for adding elegance to gardens or water features.

                                                    • Zingiber Rubens Seeds (Bengal Ginger Seeds)

                                                      Starting at US$2.90

                                                      Produces bright red flowers. Seed capsules are used as a spice in India.