Plants and Flowers

Buy Garden Plants (Brugmansia) seeds online. Discover our selection of the best Garden Plants (Brugmansia) seeds of the market.
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  1. Nelumbo Nucifera Pink Seeds (Sacred Lotus Seeds)

    Starting at US$2.30

    Elegant aquatic plant with fragrant pink flowers, perfect for ponds and water gardens.

  2. Nelumbo Nucifera White Seeds (Sacred Lotus Seeds)
      Out of Stock
      Nelumbo Nucifera White Seeds (Sacred Lotus Seeds)

      Starting at US$5.80

      The fruits are a conical pod with seeds contained in holes in the pod. When the seeds are ripe, they become loose in the pod. The pod then tips down towards the water, releasing the seeds.
    • New Zealand Flax Seeds (Phormium tenax)

      Starting at US$1.60

      Bold, architectural plant with sword-like leaves and colorful flowers, perfect for drought-tolerant landscapes.

    • Nuphar Lutea Seeds (Yellow Water-lily Seeds)

      Starting at US$2.20

       Stunning aquatic plant with large heart-shaped leaves and vibrant yellow flowers, perfect for garden ponds and water features.

    • Nymphaea Ampla Seeds (White Lotus Seeds)
        Out of Stock
      • Nymphaea Caerulea Seeds (Blue Lotus Seeds)
          Out of Stock
          Nymphaea Caerulea Seeds (Blue Lotus Seeds)

          Starting at US$1.60

          Start out as a soft shiny green. As they age, they develop light brown or purple splashes which eventually cover the leaf, leaving only the veins green.
        • Nymphaea Capensis Pink Seeds(Cape Water Lily Seeds)
            Out of Stock
            Nymphaea Capensis Pink Seeds(Cape Water Lily Seeds)

            Starting at US$1.60

            The flowers open in early to mid-morning and close completely in late afternoon and stay closed all night.
          • Nymphaea Capensis Purple Seeds (Cape Blue Water Lily Seeds)
              Out of Stock
              Nymphaea Capensis Purple Seeds (Cape Blue Water Lily Seeds)

              Starting at US$1.60

              The Capensis large, elegant blue flowers are held well above the water at the tip of a sturdy green stalk. This plant blooms repeatedly from mid-spring to early fall.
            • Nymphaea Colorata Blue Seeds (Blue Pigmy Water Lily Seeds)
                Out of Stock
                Nymphaea Colorata Blue Seeds (Blue Pigmy Water Lily Seeds)

                Starting at US$1.50

                Compact lily, small enough to do well in very small ponds or container water gardens, like tubs or kettles.
              • Nymphaea Colorata White Seeds (White Pigmy Water Lily Seeds)
                  Out of Stock
                  Nymphaea Colorata White Seeds (White Pigmy Water Lily Seeds)

                  Starting at US$1.50

                  Fast growing plant. Very decorative and beautiful aquatic plant.
                • Nymphaea Eldorado Seeds (Yellow Lotus Seeds)
                    Out of Stock
                  • Nymphaea Juno Seeds (White Lotus Seeds)
                      Out of Stock
                      Nymphaea Juno Seeds (White Lotus Seeds)

                      Starting at US$1.60

                      This showy plant is old fashion, a real heritage and very fragrant too. The flowers are 8 to 12 inches across and are produced most freely throughout the summer into early fall.
                    • Nymphaea Red Flare Seeds (Tropical Night Blooming Water Lily Seeds)
                        Out of Stock
                        Nymphaea Red Flare Seeds (Tropical Night Blooming Water Lily Seeds)

                        Starting at US$1.60

                        This beautiful tropical plant is an excellent bloomer, which can produce six or seven blooms at a time! It is also extremely prolific.
                      • Nymphaea Red Seeds (Day Blooming Water Lily Seeds)
                          Out of Stock
                          Nymphaea Red Seeds (Day Blooming Water Lily Seeds)

                          Starting at US$1.60

                          Nymphaea Red Flare has magnificent, beautiful, dark crimson flowers with deep red sepals and maroon anthers.
                        • Nymphaea Seeds Mix (Blue, Pink, Purple, White, Yellow)
                            Out of Stock
                            Nymphaea Seeds Mix (Blue, Pink, Purple, White, Yellow)

                            Starting at US$1.60

                            This is a mix of Nymphaea seeds with 5 different colors of water lilies.
                          • Nymphaea Stellata Seeds (Purple Water Lily Seeds)
                              Out of Stock
                              Nymphaea Stellata Seeds (Purple Water Lily Seeds)

                              Starting at US$1.50

                              This Nymphaea is quite cold tolerant, sweetly fragrant, and blooms all year round in hot climate.
                            • Nymphaea Tetragona Seeds (Pygmy Water-lily Seeds)
                                Out of Stock
                                Nymphaea Tetragona Seeds (Pygmy Water-lily Seeds)

                                Starting at US$2.90

                                Nymphaea Tetragona has cup-shaped white flowers that bloom from July to August. The seeds ripen from August to October. The flowers are pollinated by flies and...
                              • Ozark Witch Hazel Seeds (Hamamelis vernalis)

                                Starting at US$2.20

                                Large deciduous shrub growing to 4 m (13 ft) tall.

                              • Pandanus Furcatus Seeds (Korr, Pandan, Himalayan/Nepal Screw Pine)
                                  Out of Stock
                                  Pandanus Furcatus Seeds (Korr, Pandan, Himalayan/Nepal Screw Pine)

                                  Starting at US$3.90

                                  Fruit is a compound cone-like fruit made of several drupes, orange-red when ripe.
                                • Pennyroyal Seeds (Mentha pulegium)

                                  Starting at US$1.90

                                  Versatile herb with aromatic minty leaves and purple flowers, perfect for adding fragrance and function to your garden.

                                • Philodendron Bipinnatifidum Seeds (Lacy Tree Philodendron, Selloum)

                                  Starting at US$2.30

                                  This plant may help in filtering the air of your home!
                                • Physalis Franchetii Alkekengi Gigantea Seeds (Chinese Lantern Seeds)

                                  Starting at US$1.90

                                  Excellent fresh cut and they can also be easily dried and will make choice Winter arrangements. It can spread quickly, plant where it can be controlled.
                                • Pincushion Hakea Seeds (Hakea laurina)
                                    Out of Stock
                                    Pincushion Hakea Seeds (Hakea laurina)

                                    Starting at US$2.20

                                    The specific epithet, derived from the Latin Laurus comes from the resemblance of its leaves with those of laurels.
                                  • Polygonatum odoratum Seeds (Angular Solomon's-seal Seeds)

                                    Starting at US$3.90

                                    Produces toxic berries. Slow to establish but clumps are long-lived and carefree.
                                  • Red Clover Seeds (Trifolium pratense) *ORGANIC*

                                    Starting at US$1.90

                                    Can be used as a green manure crop. it is used as a green manure crop. Sold per gram (about 500 Seeds Per Gram (g) )
                                  • Red Ginger Lily Seeds (Hedychium rubrum)
                                      Out of Stock
                                      Red Ginger Lily Seeds (Hedychium rubrum)

                                      Starting at US$2.20

                                      Very uncommon ginger, who can be named jungle king (red flower), Tahitian ginger and ostrich plume. This plant is quite easy to care
                                    • Rehmannia Elata Seeds (Chinese Foxglove Seeds)

                                      Starting at US$1.90

                                      Rehmannia elata takes advantage of mild climate and blooms over a long period. Flowers continuously from May to November with the heaviest bloom in late Spring.
                                    • Ricinus Communis (Castor Bean Seeds, Castor Oil Plant Seeds)

                                      Starting at US$1.90

                                      Ricinus communis is a large plant used mainly for spot planting in display beds.
                                    • Roselle Seeds (Hibiscus sabdariffa)

                                      Starting at US$1.90

                                    • Saintpaulia Seeds (African Violet  Seeds)
                                        Out of Stock
                                        Saintpaulia Seeds (African Violet Seeds)

                                        Starting at US$2.90

                                        Essential thing for blooms is bright, indirect light.
                                      • Sandersonia Aurantiaca Seeds (Chinese Lantern Lily Seeds)
                                          Out of Stock
                                          Sandersonia Aurantiaca Seeds (Chinese Lantern Lily Seeds)

                                          Starting at US$3.80

                                          Sandersonia is a delicate, slightly climbing plant with pendulous lanterns in the most alluring, rich orange.
                                        • Sapindus Detergens Seeds ( Soapnut Tree Seeds)
                                            Out of Stock
                                            Sapindus Detergens Seeds ( Soapnut Tree Seeds)

                                            Starting at US$13.00

                                            Multipurpose tree (cosmetics, detergent etc.) to be grown in a warm environment or inside large tubs
                                          • Sauromatum Venosum Seeds (Typhonium Venosum Seeds, Voodoo Lily Seeds)
                                              Out of Stock
                                              Sauromatum Venosum Seeds (Typhonium Venosum Seeds, Voodoo Lily Seeds)

                                              Starting at US$2.40

                                              Very unusual, shade loving plant. Likes full light without direct sun.
                                            • Sea Foam Seeds (Teloxys Aristata)
                                                Out of Stock
                                                Sea Foam Seeds (Teloxys Aristata)

                                                Starting at US$1.90

                                                Teloxys aristata also called "Sea Foam" or "Zeechium" is a particularly attractive annual plant for lovers of dry bouquets, architects and designers. Indeed, its stems are used for reproducing miniature trees.
                                              • Seaside Plantain Seeds (Plantago maritima)

                                                Starting at US$1.60

                                                Plantago maritima, the seaside plantain, is a herbaceous perennial plant with a dense rosette of stemless leaves.
                                              • Sedum Rupestre Seeds (Sedum Reflexum, Reflexed Stonecrop, Stone Orpine)

                                                Starting at US$1.50

                                                Reflexed Stonecrop can tolerate drought and is highly tolerant of urban pollution and will even thrive in inner city environments...
                                              • Serrano Pepper Seeds

                                                Starting at US$1.90

                                                Scoville rating of the serrano pepper is 10,000 to 25,000.
                                              • Silver Leaf Elephant Ear Seeds (Colocasia fallax)

                                                Starting at US$2.90

                                                Tropical plant with bold, heart-shaped leaves, perfect for adding an exotic touch to gardens or indoor spaces.

                                              • Soapwort Seeds (Saponaria officinalis)

                                                Starting at US$1.90

                                                Depurative, diuretic, choleretic and deworming properties
                                              • Solanum Mammosum Seeds (Nipple Fruit Seeds, Cows Under Seeds, Titty Fruit Seeds, Apple of Sodom Seeds)

                                                Starting at US$1.90

                                                Related to the naranjilla and tomato. Water regurlarly but do not overwater.
                                              • Sponge Gourd Seeds (Luffa aegyptiaca)
                                                  Out of Stock
                                                • Stevia rebaudiana Seeds

                                                  Starting at US$1.90

                                                  Produces sweet leaves. Water at least twice a week.
                                                • Strelitzia Reginae Seeds (Bird of Paradise Seeds)

                                                  Starting at US$3.90

                                                  This beautiful and adaptable beauty is perfect for home and commercial interiors. Grows up to 3 feet tall.
                                                • Tacca Chantrieri Seeds (Black Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)
                                                    Out of Stock
                                                    Tacca Chantrieri Seeds (Black Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)

                                                    Starting at US$3.80

                                                    Somber enough to be out of place even at a funeral, these strange and sinister flowers are quite unlike any other and are going to excite curiosity in all that see it.
                                                  • Tacca Integrifolia Nivea Seeds (White Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)

                                                    Starting at US$2.90

                                                    Looks like white bats. Don't water too much during winter time.
                                                  • Tacca Integrifolia Seeds (Purple Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)
                                                      Out of Stock
                                                      Tacca Integrifolia Seeds (Purple Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)

                                                      Starting at US$2.80

                                                      This plant is a fast grower. It can reach up to 4ft in height.
                                                    • Texas Mountain Laurel Seeds (Sophora secundiflora)

                                                      Starting at US$3.90

                                                      Features stunning, fragrant purple flowers. Perfect for sunny, dry gardens.

                                                    • Thymus Serpyllum Seeds (Creeping Thyme Seeds)

                                                      Starting at US$2.20

                                                      Transform your garden with a fragrant ground cover that blooms with pink flowers and attracts pollinators. Perfect for rock gardens or borders!

                                                    • Tigridia Pavonia Seeds (Tiger Flower Seeds)
                                                        Out of Stock
                                                        Tigridia Pavonia Seeds (Tiger Flower Seeds)

                                                        Starting at US$1.75

                                                        Well suited to growing in containers. Tiger Flower prefers a sunny site and fertile, well-drained, light soil.
                                                      • Tigridia Pavonia White Seeds (Tiger Flower Seeds)
                                                          Out of Stock
                                                          Tigridia Pavonia White Seeds (Tiger Flower Seeds)

                                                          Starting at US$1.75

                                                          It is a Summer grower, dormant in Winter. Well suited to growing in containers.