Nepenthes Rowanae Seeds

Nepenthes Rowanae Seeds

Prefers humidity. Water often with distilled water.
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Product Name
100 Nepenthes Rowanae Seeds
Availability: Out of stock
Nepenthes Rowanae
Nepenthes Rowanae is a carnivorous plant that can grow up to 100 cm tall. Its pitchers are all reddish reaching more than 20 cm long, 5 cm  at the throat. It comes from the southern side of Biffin Swamp, far north of Queensland, Australia.
More Information
Common name Pitcher Plant
Species Nepenthes rowanae
Germination Nepenthes seeds should be started on chopped live sphagnum moss in very damp but not wet conditions. It is best to spray the sown seeds with a fungicide. Cover the top of the pot with clear plastic so the humidity will remain high, place them in an area with real nice strong light and keep the temperature around 32øC/90øF. When you see some tiny plants starting to sprout, slowly open the top of the pot, a little each day, so that the new seedlings don't go into shock from the humidity being lowered too quickly. Germination usually occurs in a few months, but it can take longer, sometimes nothing can happen for a year, don't give up. Make sure that it gets good air circulation.
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