Palm Seeds

Palm seeds are vital for cultivating diverse and captivating palm species that elevate any garden. These seeds empower plant enthusiasts to nurture rare palms, introducing a unique element to their horticultural collections.

By choosing our exotic palm varieties, you gain access to an exceptional selection that challenges your gardening skills while enhancing your botanical collection, all with the assurance of unmatched value and uncompromised quality. Our palm seeds feature high germination rates and superior quality, ensuring successful planting.

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35 Items

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  1. Beaucarnea Guatemalensis Seeds (Red Ponytail, Guatamala Ponytail)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Suitable for growing indoors. Can live for decades.
  2. Beaucarnea Recurvata Seeds (Nolina Recurvata Seeds, Ponytail Palm Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Beacarneas are closely related to Yuccas and thrive under the same conditions. This plant is suitable for growing indoors.
  3. Bismarckia Nobilis Seeds (Silver Bismarck Palm Seeds)
      Out of Stock
      Bismarckia Nobilis Seeds (Silver Bismarck Palm Seeds)

      Starting at US$14.50

      Once it establishes itself in cultivation, it tends to be rather fast-growing.
    • Blue Nolina Seeds (Nolina Nelsonii)
        Out of Stock
        Blue Nolina Seeds (Nolina Nelsonii)

        Starting at US$2.20

        The foliage has a beautiful color. The bluish-green leaves, with tiny serrations on the edges...
      • Butia Capitata Nana Seeds (Jelly Palm Seeds, Pindopalm Seeds, Wine Palm Seeds)
          Out of Stock
          Butia Capitata Nana Seeds (Jelly Palm Seeds, Pindopalm Seeds, Wine Palm Seeds)

          Starting at US$3.80

          The palm is monoecious and blooms every year. 1.5 meters long inflorescences grow in between palm leaves and each supports small yellow or red flowers.
        • Carludovica palmata Seeds (Jipijapa Palm Seeds)

          Starting at US$1.80

          Easy to maintain. A good way to bring exotism home!
        • Caryota Mitis Seeds (Clustered Fishtail Palm Seeds)

          Starting at US$2.50

          Tropical palm with fishtail-shaped leaves, perfect for lush privacy screens or as an exotic indoor plant.

        • Caryota Urens Seeds (Fishtail Palm)

          Starting at US$2.80

          This palm tolerates well enough cold temperatures and badly drained soils. It prefers a hot or tempered climate.
        • Chamaedorea Elegans Seeds (Parlor Palm)
            Out of Stock
            Chamaedorea Elegans Seeds (Parlor Palm)

            Starting at US$1.80

            Makes an excellent pot plant and interior plant.
          • Cycas Revoluta Seeds (King Sago Palm Seeds, Cycad Seeds)
              Out of Stock
              Cycas Revoluta Seeds (King Sago Palm Seeds, Cycad Seeds)

              Starting at US$14.50

              Has a long lifespan. The best climate for this plant is tropical or tempered. It needs a lot of heat in order to stay healthy.
            • Cyrtostachys Renda Seeds (Cyrtostachys Lakka Seeds, Lipstick Palm Seeds)

              Starting at US$2.80

              It is a beautiful and very different looking palm, one of the most colourful.
            • Distichous Fishtail Palm Seeds

              Starting at US$1.90

              An extremely unusual looking palm.
            • Dypsis Leptocheilos Seeds (Redneck Palm)

              Starting at US$2.20

              One of the most beautiful palms of Madagascar. Can tolerate occasional light frost.
            • Hyophorbe Lagenicaulis Seeds (Bottle Palm Seeds, Mascarena Lagenicaulis Seeds, Hyophorbe Revaughnii Seeds)

              Starting at US$4.90

              Numerous cream flowers grow on stalks at the crown of the tree, and following the flowering, small, round fruits appear, changing from green to black as they age.
            • Hyophorbe Verschaffeltii Seeds (Spindle Palm Seeds, Mascarena Verschaffeltii Seeds)

              Starting at US$2.50

              A unique, different and popular palm that should be part of any collection.
            • Jubaea Chilensis Seeds (Chiliean Wine Palm Seeds, Coquito Palm Seeds)
                Out of Stock
                Jubaea Chilensis Seeds (Chiliean Wine Palm Seeds, Coquito Palm Seeds)

                Starting at US$14.00

                Well suited to temperate and subtropical climates.Highly drought tolerant but will also do well in cold and humid condition.
              • King Palm Seeds (Archontophoenix Alexandrae)

                Starting at US$2.90

                The Royal Palm must be grown in a glasshouse or a veranda because of its tropical needs.
              • Livistona Chinensis Seeds (Chinese Fan Palm Seeds)

                Starting at US$2.90

                This palm is becoming increasingly popular for use in landscapes in Florida, California and other warm temperate climates.
              • Mangrove Fan Palm Seeds (Licuala Spinosa)

                Starting at US$1.90

                 Ideal for wet, sunny spots or as a striking landscape accent.

              • Pemba Palm Seeds (Dypsis pembana)

                Starting at US$1.90

              • Phoenix Canariensis Seeds (Canary Island Date Palm Seeds)

                Starting at US$1.90

                The Canary Island Date palm is regarded as one of the world's most beautiful and majestic trees, and is an ideal specimen for transplanting.
              • Phoenix Dactylifera Seeds (Date Palm Seeds)

                Starting at US$2.90

                Dates are harvested carefully by hand because the fruits mature at different times over the period of a month.
              • Phoenix Roebelenii Seeds (Pygmy Date Palm Seeds)

                Starting at US$1.90

                The Pygmy Date Palm is absolutely gorgeous; it has a small stature, lacy leaves, and often has a gracefully curving trunk.
              • Phoenix Rupicola Seeds (Cliff Date Palm Seeds)

                Starting at US$2.20

                Rupicola is easy and fast growing, suitable for tropical as well as temperate climates, and will even tolerate moderate frosts.
              • Phoenix Sylvestris Seeds (Silver Date Palm Seeds, Sugar Date Palm Seeds,Toddy Palm Seeds)

                Starting at US$2.90

                The spectacular ornamental Wild Date is rare to see and easy to grow.
              • Pinanga aristata Seeds
                  Out of Stock
                  Pinanga aristata Seeds

                  Starting at US$8.80

                  Delicate, feathery fronds in yellow-green, perfect for tropical gardens or as an ornamental indoor palm.

                • Pseudophoenix Ekmanii Seeds (Pseudophoenix Seeds)
                    Out of Stock
                  • Ravenala Madagascariensis Seeds (Traveler's Palm Seeds)

                    Starting at US$2.90

                    Can also be grown indoors or in the greenhouse. It grows well on moist and rich sandy loam and clay soils.
                  • Roystonea Oleracea Seeds (Roystonea Caribaea Seeds, Caribbean Royal Palm Seeds)
                      Out of Stock
                      Roystonea Oleracea Seeds (Roystonea Caribaea Seeds, Caribbean Royal Palm Seeds)

                      Starting at US$2.60

                      Fast grower once the trunk starts to get large. Very good garden plant.
                    • Roystonea Regia Seeds (Oreodoxa Regia Seeds, Roystonea Elata Seeds, Royal Palm Seeds)

                      Starting at US$2.20

                      Every palm enthusiast has to have one. In the right spot, this is a canopy forming palm. It adds something unusual, beautiful, and tropical.
                    • Sabal Minor Seeds (Dwarf Palmetto Seeds)

                      Starting at US$2.20

                      One of the only palms that can stand cool temperatures (up to -20øC)
                    • Serenoa Repens Silver Seeds (Saw Palmetto)
                        Out of Stock
                        Serenoa Repens Silver Seeds (Saw Palmetto)

                        Starting at US$5.90

                        The leaf stems are about 2 ft (0.6 m) long and sharply saw-toothed hence its popular name: Saw Palmetto.
                      • Trachycarpus Fortunei Seeds (Windmill Palm, Chusan Palm)

                        Starting at US$1.90

                        There is nothing quite like the shimmy of the foliage of this species on a windy winter day!
                      • Wodyetia Bifurcata Seeds (Foxtail Palm Seeds)
                          Out of Stock
                          Wodyetia Bifurcata Seeds (Foxtail Palm Seeds)

                          Starting at US$9.80

                          The foxtail palm becomes even showier when its brilliant red fruit is on display. One of the world's most beautiful palms, Foxtail Palm is always in high demand.