Trees and Shrubs

buy Fruit Tree seeds, bonsai seeds for sale, buy Fruit Tree seeds online
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  1. Abies Balsamea Seeds (Balsam Fir Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Fragrant evergreen tree perfect for adding classic beauty and a fresh, pine scent to your landscape.

  2. Abies Nordmanniana Seeds (Nordmann Fir Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Christmas tree with needles that are not sharp ! Prefers a good moist but not water-logged soil
  3. Acacia Nilotica Seeds (Acacia Arabica, Gum Arabica Tree)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Used to eliminate stomach worms, as an antiseptic for open wounds and as an expectorant for treating coughs.
  4. Acer Buergerianum Seeds (Trident Maple Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Branches are refined. It is a tree that gains a mature appearance rather quickly. Fast growth.
  5. Acer Campestre Seeds (Hedge Maple Seeds)

    Starting at US$2.40

    Excellent small tree very popular among bonsai lovers.
  6. Acer Ginnala Seeds (Amur Maple Seeds)
      Out of Stock
      Acer Ginnala Seeds (Amur Maple Seeds)

      Starting at US$1.90

      It develops clusters of fragrant, yellowish-white flowers in Spring. It is one of the very few maples that have fragrant flowers.
    • Acer Griseum Seeds (Paperbark Maple Tree Seeds)

      Starting at US$2.80

      This small shade tree is an excellent small tree for small properties, maturing as a small ornamental tree, where the ornamental feature in this case is the bark!
    • Acer Monspessulanum Seeds (Montpellier Maple Seeds)
        Out of Stock
        Acer Monspessulanum Seeds (Montpellier Maple Seeds)

        Starting at US$1.80

        The stem is dark grey and becomes lightly grooved when it matures. The small leaf is shiny dark green. In autumn it turns yellow.
      • Acer Oblongum Seeds (Evergreen Maple Tree Seeds)

        Starting at US$1.90

        It produces small greenish-white flowers with narrow petals. The seeds are produced from October to November.
      • Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum Seeds (Redleaf Maple Seeds)
          Out of Stock
          Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum Seeds (Redleaf Maple Seeds)

          Starting at US$1.90

          Known to make wonderful informal upright bonsai.
        • Acer Palmatum Seeds (Japanese Maple Seeds)

          Starting at US$1.90

          Very small leaves !
        • Acer Saccharinum Seeds (Silver Maple)
            Out of Stock
            Acer Saccharinum Seeds (Silver Maple)

            Starting at US$1.90

            The flowers are in dense clusters, produced before the leaves in early spring, with the seeds maturing in early summer.
          • Acer Saccharum Seeds (Sugar Maple Seeds)

            Starting at US$1.90

            With shades from yellow to scarlet to blaze orange, the sugar maple's fall foliage display is dependable to the point of becoming an important tourist attraction.
          • Actinidia Deliciosa Seeds (Kiwifruit Seeds)

            Starting at US$1.90

            Tangy-sweet fruits and lush green foliage. Ideal for trellises or pergolas in sunny gardens!

          • Adansonia Digitata Seeds (Baobab Seeds)

            Starting at US$3.20

            Can be grown as a bonsai. Produces white flowers.
          • Adansonia Fony Seeds (Adansonia Rubrostipa Seeds, Fony Baobab)
              Out of Stock
              Adansonia Fony Seeds (Adansonia Rubrostipa Seeds, Fony Baobab)

              Starting at US$4.90

              Requires long periods of exposure to the sun and a temperature never below 18-20øC.
            • Adansonia Grandidieri Seeds (Giant Baobab Seeds)
                Out of Stock
                Adansonia Grandidieri Seeds (Giant Baobab Seeds)

                Starting at US$7.80

                The most beautiful of baobabs. Doesn't tolerate cold.
              • Adansonia Gregorii Seeds (Australian Baobab Seeds)
                  Out of Stock
                  Adansonia Gregorii Seeds (Australian Baobab Seeds)

                  Starting at US$5.90

                  Small Australian Baobab. The Adansonia species are generally easy to grow in pots as indoor bonsai.
                • Adansonia Madagascariensis Seeds (Monkey-Bread Baobab Seeds, Madagascar Baobab Seeds)
                    Out of Stock
                    Adansonia Madagascariensis Seeds (Monkey-Bread Baobab Seeds, Madagascar Baobab Seeds)

                    Starting at US$4.90

                    If you do not have a half acre to plant one on, it makes a great bonsai.
                  • Adansonia Perrieri Seeds
                      Out of Stock
                      Adansonia Perrieri Seeds

                      Starting at US$5.50

                      Endangered species. Very rare.
                    • Adansonia Suarezensis Seeds (Adansonia Seeds)
                        Out of Stock
                        Adansonia Suarezensis Seeds (Adansonia Seeds)

                        Starting at US$9.80

                        The Adansonia species are generally easy to grow in pots as indoor bonsai.
                      • Adansonia Za Seeds (Baobab Za Seeds)

                        Starting at US$4.90

                        The baobab is also the only tree able to regenerate bark directly from an exposed wood surface.
                      • African Tulip Tree Seeds (Spathodea campanulata)

                        Starting at US$1.90

                        Tropical tree with striking orange-red flowers. Ideal for tropical climates, it grows quickly and provides dense shade.

                      • Anacardium Occidentale (Cashew Tree Seeds)

                        Starting at US$17.00

                        Tropical evergreen tree bearing kidney-shaped nuts that are edible only when roasted.
                      • Annona Muricata Seeds (Soursop Seeds, Graviola Seeds)

                        Starting at US$3.50

                        Large, spiny fruits with sweet, tangy pulp, perfect for tropical gardens and alternative medicine enthusiasts.

                      • Annona Senegalensis Seeds (Annona Chrysophylla, Anone Seeds)
                          Out of Stock
                          Annona Senegalensis Seeds (Annona Chrysophylla, Anone Seeds)

                          Starting at US$1.50

                          Tends to favor sandy soils, but grows well in a wide variety of soils. Very demanding of light, should be place in full sun.
                        • Annona Squamosa Seeds (Sugar Apple Seeds, Sweetsop Seeds, Custard Apple Seeds)

                          Starting at US$1.90

                           Tropical fruit tree with unique scaly green fruit and a sweet, custard-like flavor, perfect for adding a touch of exotic charm to your garden.

                        • Artabotrys Odoratissimus Seeds (Ylang Ylang Vine Seeds)
                            Out of Stock
                            Artabotrys Odoratissimus Seeds (Ylang Ylang Vine Seeds)

                            Starting at US$4.80

                            Very odorant plant. The rich-scented fragrance is sweet and durable.
                          • Asparagus Aethiopicus Seeds (Asparagus Fern Seeds)

                            Starting at US$1.90

                            Prefers infertile, shallow, sandy soils. Produces berries.
                          • Balsa Tree Seeds (Ochroma pyramidale)

                            Starting at US$2.60

                            Extremely light and brittle, its wood is used especially for making models
                          • Banksia Coccinea Seeds (Scarlet Banksia Seeds)

                            Starting at US$4.80

                            Banksia coccinea is a very desirable evergreen garden plant because of its dramatic habit and spectacular flowers.
                          • Banksia Conferta Seeds (Glasshouse Banksia)
                              Out of Stock
                              Banksia Conferta Seeds (Glasshouse Banksia)

                              Starting at US$2.20

                              Australian shrub with striking cylindrical flower spikes and a dense, low-growing habit, ideal for adding color and resilience to gardens.

                            • Bartlett Pear Seeds ( Pyrus communis)
                                Out of Stock
                              • Bauhinia Galpinii Seeds (Red Orchid Tree Seeds)

                                Starting at US$1.90

                                Produces brick red flowers. Grow in full sun.
                              • Bauhinia Monandra Seeds (Pink Orchid Tree)

                                Starting at US$3.30

                                Small tree that produces pink flowers. Grow in full sun to light shade
                              • Bauhinia Purpurea Purple Seeds (Purple Orchid Tree Seeds)

                                Starting at US$1.90

                                It may be grown indoors with warmth and bright light and kept pruned to a small size. It is fast growing.
                              • Bauhinia Purpurea White Seeds (White Orchid Tree Seeds)
                                  Out of Stock
                                  Bauhinia Purpurea White Seeds (White Orchid Tree Seeds)

                                  Starting at US$2.90

                                  Fast growing. Produces white flowers. Protect from frost the first 2 years after planting.
                                • Bearberry Seeds (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

                                  Starting at US$1.90

                                  Hardy, evergreen ground cover with vibrant berries, perfect for enhancing your garden's year-round appeal.

                                • Beaumontia Grandiflora Seeds (Easter Lily Vine Seeds, Herald's Trumpet Seeds, Nepal Trumpet)

                                  Starting at US$1.90

                                  Magnificent white flowers appear from spring to fall. The trumpet-like flowers measure from 10 to 15 cm wide.
                                • Bird's Foot Trefoil Seeds (Lotus corniculatus)

                                  Starting at US$1.90

                                  Also known as 'eggs and bacon' because of the yellow and orange hue of the pea-like flowers.
                                • Bixa Orellana Seeds (Achiote Seeds)

                                  Starting at US$1.60

                                  In addition to its famous coloring use, it is used as a general skin tonic and to heal skin conditions.
                                • Black Locusts Seeds (Robinia Pseudoacacia)

                                  Starting at US$1.90

                                  Tree that produces grapes of white flowers. Not ideal to grow in windy places because of its fragile branches.
                                • Black Spruce Seeds (Picea mariana)

                                  Starting at US$1.90

                                  Small upright evergreen coniferous tree.
                                • Blackcurrant Seeds (Ribes nigrum)
                                    Out of Stock
                                  • Borago Officinalis Seeds (Borage Seeds)

                                    Starting at US$1.80

                                    Fast growing with edible flowers. Prefers well-drained soils and full sun.
                                  • Borojoa Patinoi Seeds (Borojo Seeds)

                                    Starting at US$2.60

                                    Tree lives with 85% humidity in the air. Its fruits are rich in calcium.
                                  • Brachychiton Acerifolius Seeds (Illawara Flame Tree Seeds, Flame Kurrajong)

                                    Starting at US$3.20

                                    The semi-persistent foliage has an impressive red flashy tint.
                                  • Butea Frondosa Seeds (Butea Monosperma Seeds)

                                    Starting at US$1.90

                                    Butea Frondosa kills mosquitoes. The mosquitoes are attracted by flower's color and smell but get trapped into the flower.
                                  • Butterfly Bush Seeds (Buddleja davidii)

                                    Starting at US$1.90

                                    Attract butterflies and add a burst of color to your garden.