Pinus Pinea Seeds (Stone Pine)

Pinus Pinea Seeds (Stone Pine)

Tree adapted to warm and dry climate. Pinus pinea are not frost-tolerant.
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
5 Pinus Pinea Seeds (Stone Pine)
30 Pinus Pinea Seeds (Stone Pine)
200 Pinus Pinea Seeds (Stone Pine)
Availability: In stock
Pinus pinea
The Stone Pine (Pinus pinea) is also called Italian Stone Pine, Umbrella Pine (not to be confused with Japanese Umbrella pine, Sciadopitys verticillata), and Parasol Pine. It is in the pine family Pinaceae and occasionally listed under the invalid name Pinus sativa. The tree is native to the Mediterranean region. It occurs in Southern Europe, North Africa, and the Levant. Stone pines have been used and cultivated for their edible pine nuts since prehistoric times. They are widespread in horticultural cultivation as ornamental trees, planted in gardens and parks around the world. The Stone pine is a coniferous evergreen tree growing to 12?20 metres (39?66 ft) in height, and can exceed 25 metres (82 ft) height. In youth, it is a bushy globe, in mid-age an umbrella canopy on a thick trunk, and, in maturity, a broad and flat crown 40?60 metres (130?200 ft) in width. The bark is thick, red-brown and deeply fissured into broad vertical plates.
More Information
Label Pinus pinea
Common name Stone Pine
Family Pinaceae
Genus Pinus
Species Pinus pinea
Germination Fill pots with moist, soil-less starter mix. You can make your own mix by combining equal parts fine peat moss, sand and vermiculite.

Put scarified and stratified seeds in the filled pots and cover them with 1/4 to 1/2 inch (6 to 12mm) of starter mix.

Place the pots in a tray in a sunny window and keep the soil moist. Spray the surface daily to keep new shoots moist.

Grow your seedlings in their pots until they begin growing branches, perhaps for a year or more. Water weekly and keep them in a sunny place.
Scarification / Stratification Soak Italian stone pine seeds for 24 hours to scarify, or soften, the covering on the seed.
Place the seeds in a zippered plastic bag full of damp -- not wet -- sphagnum moss and place in the vegetable bin of your refrigerator for 60 to 90 days to stratify.
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