Prunus triloba, the Rose Tree of China or Flowering Almond, is a decidious shrub growing to 4 meters by 4 meters. It grows abundantly in East Asia, North Korea and China. They make nice bonsai.
One of the first tree to blossom in Spring. These beautiful flowers put up an impressive show in Spring, when masses of pink flowers that resemble small roses, cover all branches even before foliage emerges. Regular pruning is needed for best performance.The flowers are hermaphrodite, they have both male and female organs.
Flowers may be followed by globose red fruit. The medium-green leaves of the Flowering Almond shrub have an elongated oval shape, and finely toothed edges, to 2.5" long. They are often three lobed, hence the specific epithet. Yellow to bronze Fall color. The bark is brown.
Hardiness zones 3-6, (-37øC/-35øF, -20øC/-5øF) in Winter. It requires moist soil. Thrives in a well-drained moisture-retentive loamy soil. Prefers some lime in the soil but is likely to become chlorotic if too much lime is present. Succeeds in sun or partial shade though it fruits better when growing in a sunny position. It cannot grow in the shade.