Yucca Carnerosana Seeds (Giant Spanish Dagger Seeds)

Yucca Carnerosana Seeds (Giant Spanish Dagger Seeds)

Has beautiful symmetrical rosettes of leaves. Produces fleshy fruits.
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10 Yucca Carnerosana Seeds (Giant Spanish Dagger Seeds)
100 Yucca Carnerosana Seeds (Giant Spanish Dagger Seeds)
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Yucca Carnerosana
Yucca carnerosana is also know as Giant Spanish dagger, Carneros, Giant Yucca, Palm barreta, or Palm samandoca and belongs to the Agavaceae family. This tree is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico (Coahuila). Yucca carnerosana is a large arborescent plant; it can reach up to 15 ft (4-8 m), with a spread of about 6 ft (1.8 m). This tree usually has a single trunk which, when trimmed has an average diameter of 20-30 cm. The thick trunk is dark brown with irregular furrows. Sometimes the plant branches after flowering (when about 1-2 m high), developing mostly only two heads growing close together. Branched trunks are rare. This Yucca has beautiful symmetrical rosettes of leaves. The green sword-shaped leaves are 40-70 cm long and 5 cm in width, but in cultivation they can reach a length of 100 cm forming a symmetrical head. The leaf margin shows a brown line from which thick, curling white filaments are growing. The leaves are a bit dangerous because they are stiff and very pointy. As the leaves dries up they fall along the trunk, creating a funny looking skirt. This skirt can be remove if someone prefers a clean stem. Either way this tree is always very good looking. The fruit is fleshy, indehiscent, about 10 cm long and 4 cm thick. The Yucca seeds are black, thick, and wingless.The Carneros has an inflorescence of 150 to 200 cm tall, with a scape of 75 to 100 cm long and 7,5 to 10 cm thick at the base. The panicle starts 30 cm above the leaves (towering over them), and have about 20 to 30 branchlets, which are from 15 to 60 cm long. The flower stalk is 5-8 cm thick and the green-white flowers are 5-8 cm long. The Yucca carnerosana blooms in late spring. Hardiness zones: 8-10 (-10øC/15øF, 1øC/35øF) in winter. Yucca Carnerosana is cold hardy from -12 till -15ø C when kept dry. In cool wet winter climates it is better to protect the crown against rain, because it is sensitive to rotting. Like all yucca's they like sun and a well drained soil, in wet climates it is better to remove the panicle after a few weeks, as the flowers fall down in the crown and start rotting.
More Information
Common name Giant Spanish Dagger
Species Yucca carnerosana
Germination Sow the Yucca seeds in a gritty mix of peat, coco fiber, vermiculite and perlite, sand or similar media. Fill shallowly in trays or pots and sow the seeds on the surface. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil, about as thick as the seeds are. Label with species name and date. Do not cover the mix with plastic or glass. Place the trays or pots at temperatures between 25 and 30øC (75 to 90øF) in a brightly lit spot but out of full sun and keep slightly damp but never wet. The seeds will sprout reliably after a few days or weeks.
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