Ziziphus Mauritiana Seeds (Indian Jujube Seeds)

Ziziphus Mauritiana Seeds (Indian Jujube Seeds)

Flowers are white or greenish white and the fruits are orange to brown, 2?3 cm long, with edible white pulp.
Grouped product items
Product Name
100 Ziziphus Mauritiana Seeds (Indian Jujube Seeds)
500 Ziziphus Mauritiana Seeds (Indian Jujube Seeds)
2,000 Ziziphus Mauritiana Seeds (Indian Jujube Seeds)
Availability: Out of stock
Ziziphus mauritiana
Ziziphus mauritiana, also known asBer, Chinee Apple, Jujube, Indian plum and Masau is a tropical fruit tree species belonging to the family Rhamnaceae. It is now widely naturalised throughout the Old World tropics from Southern Africa through the Middle East to the Indian Subcontinent and China, Indomalaya, and into Australasia and the Pacific Islands. The species varies widely in height, from a bushy shrub 1.5 to 2 m tall, to a tree 10 to 12 m tall with a trunk diameter of about 30 cm. The flowers are tiny, yellow, 5-petalled and are usually in twos and threes in the leaf axils. Flowers are white or greenish white and the fruits are orange to brown, 2?3 cm long, with edible white pulp .
More Information
Common name Indian Jujube, Ber
Genus Ziziphus
Species Ziziphus mauritiana
Germination Without pretreatment (scarification) the seeds normally germinate within six weeks whereas extracted seeds only need one week to germinate.

If facilities are available, stratification in sand for 60-90 days at 5 deg. C is recommended.

Seed should be sown in trays or beds, and the seedlings pricked out when 2 pairs of true leaves have developed. The seedlings should also be given full light. It is likely that seedlings will need about 15 months in the nursery.
Scarification / Stratification Scarification, extracting the seed from the stone, and treating it with sulphuric acid has also been recommended. To germinate, seeds need full sunlight. Germination is epigeal and takes 3-4 weeks with seed left in stone, quicker if it is cracked, and 1 week if carefully extracted.
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