Nom commun | Pitcher Plant |
Espèce | Sarracenia ssp. |
Germination | The seeds require 6 weeks cold stratification before sowing, directly on the surface of your moist but not soaked soil mix. Once it's time to take the seeds out of cold stratification, cover the top of the pot with clear plastic so the humidity will remain high, place them in an area with real nice strong light and keep the temperature around 21øC/70øF, 27øC/80øF. When you see some tiny plants starting to sprout, slowly open the top of the pot, a little each day, so that the new seedlings don't go into shock from the humidity being lowered too quickly. After cold stratification, germination usually occurs in 1 to 3 months, but it can take longer, depending on their degree of unbroken dormancy, don't give up. |
Scarification / Stratification | It creates a cold and moist environment for the seeds. This will break their dormancy. Place the seeds on top of a prepared soil mix. The pot is then placed into a ziplock bag with approximately an inch of water on the bottom of the bag. Close the bag shut and place it into the salad crisper compartment of your refrigerator. Make sure to check the seeds often. If fungus or mold appears treat it with a fungicide. |
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